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This is a question I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke

Challenge: write a joke. As simple joke with a setup and a punchline.


* Don't steal jokes - write them
* Don't flood post
* Just don't be a dick ok?

So join in and write a bad joke and apologise for it.

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(, Wed 8 Aug 2018, 9:00)
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Which Plantagenet king was so hairy that he was often mistaken for a bear?
Richard the Furred.
(, Sun 3 Jan 2021, 15:36, 28 replies, latest was 4 years ago)
Which Plantagenet king was covered in feathers?
Richard the Bird.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2021, 12:21, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was an actress and comedian of stage and screen, with a career spanning over 70 years?
Richard the Hird.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2021, 12:22, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was a 1990s yoof TV programme presented by Terry Christian?
Richard the Word.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2021, 12:23, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was obtained by coagulating milk in a sequential process called curdling?
Richard the Curd.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2021, 12:24, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king knighted himself?
Richard the Sirred.
(, Fri 8 Jan 2021, 18:09, Reply)
Which Plantagenet King was very indecisive?
Richard Dithered.
(, Sun 10 Jan 2021, 15:08, Reply)
King Richard I of England was known as 'Richard the Lionheart'.
Which Plantagenet king was known as 'Richard the Loinheart'?
Richard the Gird.
(, Sun 10 Jan 2021, 15:20, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was often found inside a toilet bowl?
Richard the Turd.
(, Sun 10 Jan 2021, 21:28, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was a cat?
Richard the Purred.
(, Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:13, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was pissed out of his skull?
Richard the Slurred.
(, Mon 11 Jan 2021, 8:35, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was born in Judea two millennia ago, immediately got mistaken for the son of God, and as a result was buried under unwanted gifts from passing wise men?
Richard the Myrrhed.
(, Tue 12 Jan 2021, 18:41, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was really really cold?
Richard the Brrrr'd.
(, Wed 13 Jan 2021, 12:34, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king had a hit single in 2015 with a god-awful cover of "The Sound of Silence"?
Richard Disturbed.
(, Thu 14 Jan 2021, 8:21, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was a 'hardcore gamer', a Star Trek obsessive and a regular a 'Comic Con'?
Richard the Nerd
(, Mon 18 Jan 2021, 16:55, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was also a broken piece of ceramic material, especially one found on an archaeological site?
Richard Potsherd.
(, Mon 18 Jan 2021, 16:56, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was also a group of cattle?
Richard the Herd.
(, Mon 18 Jan 2021, 16:58, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king kept objecting to everything?
Richard Demurred.
(, Mon 18 Jan 2021, 22:48, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was a fleshy, typically large fruit with a hard skin?
Richard the Gourd.
(, Tue 19 Jan 2021, 13:13, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was very quick to agree?
Richard Concurred.
(, Tue 19 Jan 2021, 23:58, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was an ethnic Iranian with a Sunni disposition?
Richard the Kurd.
(, Wed 20 Jan 2021, 17:50, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was so good, they named him twice?
Richard Richard.
(, Sat 23 Jan 2021, 17:32, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was in the charts for 30 weeks with his 1986 album "Infected"?
Richard The The.
(, Sat 23 Jan 2021, 19:08, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was an enthusiastic smoker of ganja?
Richard the Herbed.
(, Tue 26 Jan 2021, 8:33, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king kept getting the wrong idea about what his advisors were telling him?
Richard Misheard.
(, Tue 26 Jan 2021, 18:20, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was a right shit to the French?
Richard la Merde.
(, Sat 30 Jan 2021, 13:28, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king was a slightly abbreviated actress and comedian of stage and screen, presenter and writer with a career spanning over 70 years?
Richard Th'Hird.
(, Sun 31 Jan 2021, 17:31, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king had an eighties number one about Tatiana Romanova?
Richard de Burgh.
(, Fri 5 Feb 2021, 22:15, Reply)
Which Plantagenet king released a Christmas song in 1973, which has turned into a perennial favourite?
Richard Wizzard.
(, Mon 8 Feb 2021, 15:33, Reply)

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