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This is a question I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke

Challenge: write a joke. As simple joke with a setup and a punchline.


* Don't steal jokes - write them
* Don't flood post
* Just don't be a dick ok?

So join in and write a bad joke and apologise for it.

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(, Wed 8 Aug 2018, 9:00)
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Lizards in the Western Pyrenees like to be alone when lying in the sun.
- Really?

- Yes. They are bask separatists.
(, Tue 11 Apr 2023, 13:53, 2 replies, latest was 2 years ago)
There's an old joke which I'm surprised not to find all over the internet:
There was a meeting of Basque separatists in a hotel in the mountains. A fire broke out in the building, and it quickly transpired that all the emergency exits were blocked. The two fattest Basques arrived at the front door first, and as they both tried to get out they jammed themselves so tightly in the door frame that they trapped everyone else inside, and they all perished in the flames.

Which just goes to show: don't put all your Basques in one exit.
(, Wed 12 Apr 2023, 9:33, Reply)

(, Wed 12 Apr 2023, 13:56, Reply)

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