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This is a question I'm Sorry I've Written A Joke

Challenge: write a joke. As simple joke with a setup and a punchline.


* Don't steal jokes - write them
* Don't flood post
* Just don't be a dick ok?

So join in and write a bad joke and apologise for it.

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(, Wed 8 Aug 2018, 9:00)
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while wearing a slippah

(, Thu 17 Aug 2023, 12:36, 1 reply, 2 years ago)
Which religion is approximately 12 inches long?
(, Thu 17 Aug 2023, 15:36, Reply)
My old Religious Education Cow gif would be relevant here
but it died with b3tards.com and I think I last had it about three computers ago.

It was a picture of a cow, asking how many religions you can see in the picture. The answer was three: Jew [close-up of the dew on the grass]; Sikh [cow vomits copiously]; and Muslim [close-up of of the cow's leg, i.e. "moo's limb"].

It's probably for the best that it doesn't exist anymore, it never quite worked.
(, Thu 17 Aug 2023, 16:18, Reply)
I think there should be a class action lawsuit against rob for losing our data.
He should be made to pay for the emotional distress he has caused, many priceless pictures representing thousands of hours of work are now gone forever thanks to his carelessness and incompetence
(, Thu 17 Aug 2023, 16:38, Reply)
Think of all the millions we've lost in NFT sales

(, Thu 17 Aug 2023, 18:29, Reply)

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