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This is a question Irrational Hatred

People who say "less" when they mean "fewer" ought to be turned into soup, the soup fed to baboons and the baboons fired into an active volcano. What has you grinding your teeth with rage, and why?

Suggested by Smash Monkey

(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 14:36)
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ah hah... another one that gets my ire is...
"for my sins"followed by a knowing chuckle.

ffs - I have obviously waited about 9 years as a B3tard to post all the millions of things that totally wind me up.
I have come to the conclusion I wouldn't need anger management classes if just some of those people out there could actually construct a sentence without using hackneyed phrases....
At the end of the day though, I guess we a all human....
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 17:43, 2 replies)
For some reason,
the fact that there are already 5 pages of this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Many a computer will be destroyed by water damage of all the frothing at the mouth going on this week...

EDIT: That was directed at the second half of your post, and not just a general pisstake of your post. I hope I didn't incur your wrath! ;)
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 17:50, closed)
And the habit of childless men who reply to the question "do you have any children?" with "None - that I know of" with a forced chuckle.

Particularly as it's so hard to resist I've done it myself on occasion (though convincing myself it was all done with lashing of post-modern irony etc.).
(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 18:18, closed)

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