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This is a question Irrational Hatred

People who say "less" when they mean "fewer" ought to be turned into soup, the soup fed to baboons and the baboons fired into an active volcano. What has you grinding your teeth with rage, and why?

Suggested by Smash Monkey

(, Thu 31 Mar 2011, 14:36)
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People who say they were being ironic when they were being sarcastic.
Or, indeed, anyone who is deliberately rude but tries to pass it off as being humourous.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:18, 31 replies)
Yeah, I'll agree with that

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:20, closed)
Me too
Teh gays are fucking terrible for this. I once met a friend of a gay friend who saluted me with some bitchy comment. I just turned away and ignored him. That showed him! Then I mowed him down with my Honda Accord*.

*may not have happened
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 14:52, closed)
^What she said^

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:23, closed)

No, the irony is you say you hate fashionable hatreds while demonstrating that you're guilty of fashionable hatreds. More time with the dictionary needed methinks.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:23, closed)
My dog's got no dictionary...

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:49, closed)
What fashionable hatred is that then, Ted?

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:54, closed)
^^^ Hahaha
Vagabond used your real name. He OWNS you now. You're his bitch.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 12:55, closed)

That would be the fashionable hatred of atheists that you never fail to wheel out given the slightest opportunity in QOTW. Over and over and over again do you wheel out your fashionable hatred of atheists.

I can only assume, like most agnostics, it comes from a deep-seated need to appear superior to everyone else. See, most people questioning religion with an enquiring mind swiftly come to the conclusion it's all bollocks and become atheists. Each atheist is able to present the case for his atheism. Some do it poorly, most are average, some do it well. Generally though, most atheists are apt to let the most erudite atheists speak the case for atheism. Not everyone is Christopher Hitchens or Richard Dawkins. However, there's some atheists who are so desperate for their voice to be heard and they realise that they're never going to speak for atheism because they're really, really shit and just can't compete.

These sad sacks cast around wondering how to be heard and yet still feel superior and stumble on agnositicism. Trouble is, most of them don't really read up on agnositicism, they just know they like the sound of it and they believe it hands them what they think is a trump card. So when there's a religious debate going on you can usually count on Smug Agnostic Cunt sticking his oar in with a shit-eating grin all over his mug saying "ha, you're both as bad as each other". That would be Smug Agnostic Cunts like you.

The funny thing is though, if you take the time out from making the theist position look silly you can have a lot of fun with agnostics. As I say, most of them, and you are a prime example, completely grind to a halt when suddenly asked to defend the agnostic position as you have done on a previous QOTW where you were reduced to repeated parrotings of things you hoped were true but which you were utterly unable to back up.

However, the Smug Agnostic, like the theist, is rarely deterred from being made to look a total and utter prick because their position is more linked to a psychological need to be seen as being superior. As is manifested by your repeated witterings on every thread started and your pathological need to have an entry on every single page of any given QOTW. Were you neglected as a child?
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:12, closed)
Cunt off Fucko
oh and tldr
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:18, closed)
Crikey, you've even upset our Rory
This almost never happens.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:19, closed)
I can't stand by and watch a Vagabond getting bullied and pwned again

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:21, closed)
*owned*, Rory, *owned*
Please try to type with your fingers, not your fists. You'll get through fewer keyboards in the long run.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:24, closed)
It's internet remedial school over here on QOTW
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:30, closed)
Oh, you're a Warcraft player.
Now I understand.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:32, closed)
You're showing no progress here MrOli, you'll never escape the remedials

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:34, closed)
*touches inappropriately*

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:33, closed)

Too predictable, dr
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:21, closed)
Nothing like holding a grudge, is there Ted?

(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:18, closed)

A good grudge makes life interesting, don't you think?

I don't know, I just don't see the appeal of Vagabond. Before I even saw he was an agnostic he'd make my eyes glaze over on the main board replying to every damn post with things that either weren't funny or were grimly pathetic variations on a previous funny response in an attempt to grab himself a piece of the honours.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:25, closed)
He's not a celebrity or anything, and this isn't Twitter...you don't have to "follow" him, he's just some guy. Seems like a nice chap. Don't want to lez out with him or nuthin, but he's ok.

If you hate him so, why not just block him? Or even start an amusing "irrational hatred" thread about him...
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:30, closed)
I'm not sure who you're trying to persuade here - me or you.
Either way it's very clear that it's very important to you that you're perceived by complete strangers as someone who thinks correctly, which is really quite depressing.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 13:32, closed)

"I'm not sure who you're trying to persuade here - me or you"


I'm of the certain opinion you're a boring twat.

You clearly are of the opinion you're so brilliant everyone should be treated to as much of your tedious bilge as you can humanly type on Beta; even on this new QOTW you alone are probably responsible for 10% of the responses

I'm just here pointing out the obvious so other people might be persuaded that you are, in fact, a tedious attention-seeking tool.
(, Fri 1 Apr 2011, 20:16, closed)
So ... you're pointing out the obvious to people ...
And claim I'm of the opinion that I'm so brilliant everyone should be treated to as much of my tedious bilge as I can humanly type on Beta.

I see.

Do you see the mental disconnect here? I can't imagine so, as you're so desperately furious with me.

Now - back in your box, little one, and start thinking correctly from now.
(, Sat 2 Apr 2011, 12:27, closed)

People often overlook the obvious until someone points it out. This is how you've managed to get away with not being labelled a tedious twat for so long.
(, Sat 2 Apr 2011, 20:30, closed)
Hahahaha it really does arouse me how fixated you are with telling me how upset you are.
I must have hurt you really badly. At least you're armed with enough information to think correctly now. Not that I imagine you will.
(, Sun 3 Apr 2011, 10:40, closed)

Nope, this is actually another deliberate ploy to demonstrate another aspect of your twattishness, can you guess what it is?

Edit: and you're aroused? wow, a boring twat and a weirdo
(, Sun 3 Apr 2011, 13:37, closed)
I've just looked through your post history.
It seems that it's almost entirely dedicated to telling me how wrong I am.

You're my number one fan - I'll give you a signed t-shirt next time.
(, Mon 4 Apr 2011, 12:44, closed)

Yes, I lurk and enjoy the site mostly. I post only when I feel I have something to say. Only one thing actually mars my enjoyment of an otherwise excellent site and that's the steaming pile of Narcissistic Personality Disorder that is yourself.

Judging by these private messages I know I'm not alone in this viewpoint either. Amongst other things you have the "worst laugh to post ratio" on B3ta. I know you've made thousands of posts, personally I'm still waiting on the first laugh.

But do continue treating us all to your NPD, I guess after all the desperate begging for attention that you engage in you're ecstatic someone is paying you attention, even if it's just to call you a tit and to point out what a hypocritical thoughtless little dipstick you are.
(, Mon 4 Apr 2011, 22:19, closed)
So, you accuse me of being narcissistic, but, er ... only post to tell me that I'm shit.
Of the thousands of posters here, you concentrate on me. Well - I'm flattered - thank you.

This "worst post to laugh ratio" that you made up entirely to throw at me - well - that's kind of you too - I assume that you're not including yourself in those statistics, as your entire porpoise here is to tell me I'm shit in a very boring, and really quite obsessive fashion. It would appear that others disagree with you, considering the amount of stories I get on the top page of so many weeks. I'm not here to entertain you, I'm here to entertain me. Feel free to cry about that - when you exit your teens you'll hopefully find something rather more satisfying than having a pop at strangers on the internet.

As for the private messages of support, by which I assume you're trying to imply that others feel the same way, but aren't as brave as you as to, er ... step up on a website ... well - bully for you. You know where the Ignore button is, but yet - yet - you choose to not use it, instead enjoying (like I am) the mutual belittlement of each other.

You're not as good as you think you are. I've posted stuff that I think is fun or interesting, or even - get this! Just for a bit of a laugh! The world, you will discover when you start your working life, doesn't revolve around you. You tell me I'm shit, and yet your entire contribution to the site is to sit at the sideline whining about how "A Vagabond's shit". You might want to think about that before commenting further on whether or not someone is making a fool of themselves.

You're welcome.
(, Tue 5 Apr 2011, 8:18, closed)

"Well - I'm flattered - thank you. "

Of course you are, you're a narcissist. And I don't choose others because, unlike you, there isn't this huge chasm between actual talent and wittiness and perceived talent and wittiness with them. Nor do they, unlike you, feel compelled to post a response to every fucking thing in sight, or feel the need to have at least two entries (shitty ones at that) on every fucking page of the QOTW unlike some other cretins.

"This "worst post to laugh ratio" that you made up "

No, you really aren't that popular, no fabrication necessary I'm afraid.

"considering the amount of stories I get on the top page of so many weeks"

God knows, you post often enough, you've posted more on B3ta than Rob himself.

" instead enjoying (like I am) the mutual belittlement of each other."

Yes, tis always fun pointing out to a tit just what a tit he is.

"The world, you will discover when you start your working life, doesn't revolve around you"

Clearly you're of the opinion it revolves around you though, seeing as you desperately beg for attention some 20 times per day or thereabouts.*

"and yet your entire contribution to the site is to sit at the sideline whining about how "A Vagabond's shit". "

Well, even if it were my only contribution, it has to be said it needs saying.

*and that's just on here, fuck knows where else you're begging for attention.
(, Wed 6 Apr 2011, 13:39, closed)
There there.
Now, get a tissue and wipe your nose, lad. It's a beautiful day.
(, Thu 7 Apr 2011, 9:02, closed)

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