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This is a question That's when I knew it was over...

Nice and simple this week. Just tell us the exact moment you knew that relationship, that job or that penchant for custard-dipped young boys was over.

(, Thu 21 Jul 2005, 10:45)
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#1 out of the blue "i'm going to uni"
#me "oh, where?"
#1 "Plymouth" (400 miles away)
#me "oh"
#1 2 months, a year, a couple of years, no call, letter or text

Safe to say its over, good job i'd moved on pretty quickly after departure.

#2 text msg "xxx, ive got something to tell you, you know ive been upset about gossip and that, down the pub. well you probably have heard already but i've been seeing 'xxxx1' and he's broken up with 'xxxxx2' not proud of what ive done but were now seeing each other. thought you'd rather hear it from me than hear the freak pub version when u go in next, you've been a good friend and hope it won't change :)"

#me i thought it was only a trial split (about 1-2 months uptil that text) did kinda hope she might sort her head out an figure out what she wants, maybe not, ah well, maybe its time to say i'd already been looking elsewhere? kinda suspected anyway, my reply "kinda guessed, not surprised"
(feel sorry for xxxx1's ex and thier 6 year old kid)

#3 "i've left my husband"
#me 'GONE'


unloading a trolley full of hotel laundry and shit stained bed sheet falls out

destroying a v expensive Diamond cutter while milling parts for a Boeing 777

going to work still pissed and when hangover kicks in, cleaning fluids in machinery make me passout and nearly land on a ban saw with a blade the size of tracker tire

(, Thu 21 Jul 2005, 20:32, Reply)

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