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This is a question Karma

Sue Denham writes, "I once slipped out of work two hours early without the boss noticing. In my hurry to make the most of this petty victory, I knocked myself out on the car door and spent the rest of the day semi-conscious, bowking rich brown vomit over my one and only suit."

Have you been visited by the forces of Karma, or watched it happen to other people?

Thanks to Pooflake for the suggestion

(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 14:24)
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By far the best proof is experience
I once worked very, very hard at my job - 16 hour days, pushing myself to the limit, nights spent on sleeping pills when I was still rigid with worry at 3am, crying at my desk when I actually had a moment to spare, pretending I was doing fine when in fact I was tearing my hair out, convinced that everyone else knew what they were doing, not that I ever saw any of them.

What happened next? Did fate decree that I get my just reward? Did it fuck. They gave me more work, that's what. Proof that karma is bollix.

I am now slacking hugely and thinking of taking early retirement at the age of 33. Based on my track record that should mean I get a massive promotion and millions of pounds in funding in the next eleven months.
(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 15:07, 3 replies)
Didn't get my first 'proper' job until I was 33 and since then I've managed to average around one week a month of actual work. It's my way of getting revenge on the world.
(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 15:11, closed)
^ do let me know
if you're hiring
(, Thu 21 Feb 2008, 15:12, closed)
A long shot.. but it just might work :)
(, Fri 22 Feb 2008, 12:02, closed)

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