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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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Kid art
I was over at my best friend's house, and we were drawing a picture with crayons. We were probably about 10 or 11 at the time.

I wish I kept a copy of the picture. It was of a big fireplace, and on the back wall of the fireplace were small holes just large enough for a person to stick their butt through. It was kind of like an incinerator/outhouse I guess. Not really a bad idea. We drew pictures of many of these butts defecating onto the fire.

Then the front door opened, and my friend's mom was home. What did my friend do? Did he hide the drawing? No, he exclaimed "Uh-oh, now I'll have to change Meggy's (youngest sister) diaper for a week!" We both had a bit of a copro-fixation, but I never figured out if his went deeper than that.

I do know he used to gather people at the long-jump pit at school and try to raise funds from people so he could take a crap in front of them. The only time I saw him do it, he squeezed and strained for a few minutes, then decided nothing was coming out and gave up.

Coincidentally, I later became the school long-jump champion, able to jump clear over the sand pit.
(, Mon 21 Apr 2008, 15:48, 1 reply)
This sounds rather Frankspencer-esque,
but oddly believable.

A had a childhood friend who loved poo, wee and farting nearly as much as I did. We designed a big metal box/room in which to house our enemies, and it had a couple of bum-shaped holes in the ceiling for us to stick our bums through so as to fart at them.
(, Mon 21 Apr 2008, 18:05, closed)

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