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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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i've got lots of younger cousins
and my youngest cousin is about 3 and his older sister is about 6.
This little girl used to be the most spoilt little shit imaginable before her brother was born. I really didn't like her even though she was the cutest thing ever. She's half Finnish so spoke a mixture of Finnish and English and if me or one of my sisters said hello to her or tried to give her a hug she'd scream "Aiti! Aiti!" (i think it means mummy in Finnish, correct if wrong).
It was always Aiti! Aiti! Aiti! God, it was annoying!
Then her little brother was born with a cleft palette and the most amazing transformation came over her. Because all the attention was focussed on her little brother she completely changed. The first time I saw her since her brother was born she ran to give me a massive hug - I was speechless!
And now, whenever she comes to England, she is my little buddy and I take her for rides in my car and it's great.
And she's such an awesome sister too. Her brother can't speak very well but she understands everything he says and she lets someone know if he needs something.
He is the sweetest boy ever. He thinks he's spiderman and he's always got a smile for everyone he sees.
My little Finnish moomin trolls. I love them.
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 0:33, Reply)

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