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Either you love 'em or you hate 'em. Or in the case of Fred West - both. Tell us your ankle-biter stories.

(, Thu 17 Apr 2008, 15:10)
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My wife was eating in a high-street sandwich type establishment with my 5 year old daughter and 15 year old son.Periodically,we have to take the boy to task,as he eats like he thinks someone will steal the food from his plate if hetakes too long.My daughter,upon seeing a lady at another table chewing at a fair rate of knots,loudly proclaims,
"Look Mummy!That lady's eating like she's in a race!It's nor very nice to eat like you're in a race,is it ,Mummy?"
My wife shushes the small one,telling her that sometimes grown-ups have to eat in a hurry ,because they have places to go,things to do and that you shouldn't talk about people like that,because its not polite.
My daughter ponders this for a moment,taps the wife on the arm and says,in as Brian Blessed a volume as she can,"Mummy!I'm not talking about that lady over there,but its not very nice to eat like you're in a race,is it?"
(, Tue 22 Apr 2008, 13:38, Reply)

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