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Home » Question of the Week » Lead Balloon » Post 2060331 | Search
This is a question Lead Balloon

Have you tried to be funny and failed horribly? Yeah, join the club. Or have you witnessed someone crash and burn by either being plain unfunny or offensively unfunny? Tell us your stories of sense of humour failure

Thanks to the charmingly named Reginald Donkeyfuck (not related to the Cheshire branch of the Donkeyfuck family, one presumes)

(, Thu 22 Aug 2013, 12:40)
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sickepedia? shitipedia more like
am i right? try the veal. it's made out of maddie. by darkies. to celebrate 9/11
(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 11:02, 13 replies)
Look at you
trying hard.

Try hard wannabe.
(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 11:26, closed)
you have to look at me
i'm the only regular you don't have on ignore, you tragic fat orphan
(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 11:33, closed)
a thing of beauty, right here

(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 13:09, closed)

(, Sat 24 Aug 2013, 22:44, closed)
oh look
the whimpering apron-clinger has ignored me as well

he might as well be bashing his sob stories into /dev/blubblubblub
(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 13:38, closed)
qftw IS /dev/blublublub

(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 13:48, closed)
alright, cowfoot

(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 16:19, closed)
two replies here and i can't see them
my feelings are proper hurt :( :( :(
(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 11:41, closed)
crybaby neckbeard has made a new account and ignored all the cool kids including me

(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 11:44, closed)
Left out.
& feeling it.
(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 13:19, closed)
He probably thinks he's TTT-ing by doing it.

(, Fri 23 Aug 2013, 22:27, closed)
It's very rare you come across a genuinely funny/sick joke.

You remember that murder 18 months ago over Christmas when he took her socks as a trophy?

"You know you're a bad shag when your rapist has to use your socks to finish off"

...was the funniest one I read in a while. It got removed almost instantly though.
(, Sat 24 Aug 2013, 15:33, closed)
Probably because they forgot to add in something gratuitously racist.

(, Mon 26 Aug 2013, 20:34, closed)

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