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This is a question Pathological Liars

Friz writes, "I recently busted my mate who claimed to have 'supported the Kaiser Chiefs in 2001' by gently mentioning that they weren't even called that back then."

Some people seem to lead complete fantasy lives with lies stacked on lies stacked on more lies. Tell us about the ones you've met.

BTW, if any of you want to admit to making up all your QOTW stories, now would be a good time to do it.

(, Thu 29 Nov 2007, 12:17)
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To Badgers Wear Corpsepaint

I had the misfortune to date someone like that. She could make a trip to the shop to buy a bottle of milk seem like a week of murder and mystery on the Orient Express. Nothing was ever mundane and ordinary for her, oh no, it had to be high-octane drama every time.

She had some mad fantasy that her father, who'd been dead for decades, was still alive and living in the South of France but didn't want to contact her because he didn't want her mother to find out. How the fuck she knew all this if he was never in touch with her was never explained. I later heard that she bailed out of the car, on the way to her dad's funeral, and ran off - not to be seen again until a couple of days later. So, not seeing her dad dead & buried meant he was still alive. It also explained why she hated her mother because she (mum) would insist that her dad was dead.

There was some other stuff about being a groupie to several famous bands when she'd merely seen them in concert and not, as she claimed spent time with them on tour. She also claimed to have acted in several West End plays despite her never showing any interest in the theatre or joining any acting companies.

After we broke up, she told her colleagues that I was stalking her and that she feared for her safety. I was confronted by two of them in the pub one night and given a warning. I convinced them that I had no such intentions. Quite the opposite in fact, I feared for her safety as, on a couple of occasions, when she spotted me she ran across a busy street in a blind panic and nearly got run over.

The last time I saw her was earlier this year. I was passing through a department store when one of the display dummies caught my eye. It looked just like my mad ex - it *was* my mad ex! She must have spotted me first and pretended to be a dummy so I wouldn't notice her.
(, Fri 30 Nov 2007, 10:31, 2 replies)
Oh god,
mine also has a 'jumping out of a car story', she also had a historectomy when she was 3... (and yet I was supposed to have gotten her pregnant?!).

At least your nutter ex avoids you, mine still tries to talk to me :/
(, Mon 3 Dec 2007, 21:55, closed)
oh...mad exes
my ex lived in Scotland while I'm near Cambridge. She constantly accused me of cheating on her, then it came out SHE WAS MARRIED! she continually rang me until my latest took the phone and made her realise that when I said that I hated and her and wanted nothing to do with her and would she delete my number...I meant it. Nutter...
(, Tue 4 Dec 2007, 9:59, closed)

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