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This is a question Drugs

Tell us your pharmaceutically-influenced anecdotes, legal or otherwise. We promise not to dob you in to The Man.

Thanks to sanityclause for the suggestion

(, Thu 16 Sep 2010, 13:30)
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You've gotta love a walk in the country
Fairly recently my better half and I took a few days off from work and went to stay in a lovely little cottage in Bedfordshire. We found a book of walks which go around pubs - excellent - just my kind of walking. We set off to a neighbouring sleepy little village to do a five mile walk.

The book we had was quite old and unfortunately the boundaries of the fields had moved somewhat since the time of going to print, luckily using mobile phone GPS we tracked our way to the nearest road and picked up the trail again. We walked past the airfield and back to the other end of the village and then the route took us off down a bridal path.

The mud was quite moist and was sticking in huge clumps to our walking boots and weighing us down, I was getting quite fed up as I was tired. We followed the path through a belt of trees and the path became less worn and a bit overgrown. I became aware of a strange smell, a sort of sharp almost medicinal smell. As we kept walking we suddenly found ourselves in a FUCKING MASSIVE field full of cannabis plants, they were at least head height. Me being a girl of questionable past immediately knew what they were although couldn't kind believe it, my better half was skeptical "nah it'll just be some wild grass". I walked up to a plant and rubbed the bud filled stem and sniffed my fingers "IT IS!!!!!" I said now wholly convinced.

A chap walking his dog was coming towards us so I kept walking and we smiled and said hello the way walkers do as we drew level. I wondered if he realised he was walking through a field of cannabis plants and why he didn't seem phased. After he'd walked further on I snapped the head off one the plants for "evidence" and we finished up our walk and headed back to the Honda Accord.

Safely ensconced back at cottage I fired up the laptop to demonstrate to my more innocent fiance that the field was indeed full of naughty plants. Once he'd seen the pictures he realised that I was right and then became really excited. He retrieved the seized evidence from my pocket and began to sniff it. Now it wasn't really at the harvesting stage however it did smell rather potent.

I read a few articles about sexing plants on t'interwebz and I think we had a female one. We decided we should definitely bake a cake and began mixing flour and eggs in the kitchen and threw in some Baileys truffles that we'd purchased earlier. We waiting for the cake to bake and I decided I'd just smoke the little bit that was left over a) for old times sake and b) cos I wanted to. I don't smoke tobacco anymore and could never roll spliffs anyway. I found a biro and removed the inky bit, I snapped the plastic part in half and made my own crackhead style pipe. I put the bit of bud on a folded piece of tin foil and held it over the gas hob while toking heartily on my home made pipe.

As i inhaled the smoke and felt the comforting burn I thought "Ohhhh I've missed this, I wish I had some more to smoke," given it's 3 years since I last smoked anything illegal. Soon enough through my comfortable slightly stoned haze the cake was ready and we both quickly scoffed half each and waited.

I was already feeling nice and mellow so it came as a surprise when J started laughing his head off. I looked at him and he was crying with the effort of supressing his laughter. "Are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded and said "I feel a bit funny" and began to titter a little more loudly.

Soon I was laughing along with him and then like the boring pair of old farts we have turned into we fell asleep.

We still can't believe that our civilised walk in the country in a sleepy village turned into a free space cake and some good giggles.
(, Tue 21 Sep 2010, 17:58, 10 replies)
The local 'cannabis field' became quite famous after it was outed in the tabloid media
(between clay tye road and the M25 in essex..... it had been outed because people were stopping on the M25 to walk into it)

I knew a couple of stoners who went up there while the story was still fresh, and gathered several 5 ft high plants.

they praised the plants.... best they ever had, great stuff, etc

It turns out the plants were a legitimate crop, properly registered with DEFRA, and had A NEGLIGIBLE THC CONTENT. they could not have given the stoners a buzz, if they had smoked every inch of every plant they took.

'The Placebo effect' is a strange thing
(, Tue 21 Sep 2010, 19:19, closed)
I've seen a bigger one
..just of the A1066 between Thetford and Diss. 52.404704,0.869088 in fact.

I didn't go and sample it; it was broad daylight and I was driving a Tesco artic.
(, Tue 21 Sep 2010, 20:27, closed)
what she said^
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 9:27, closed)
Plastic is bad, mmkay?
Not a good idea to use a plastic pen for a pipe: the heat makes it release noxious fumes. And not the good kind, either.
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 9:19, closed)
i know this...
Mmmkay? But after years of smoking fucking soapbar which has more plastic and petrochemical content than a quick toke through a bicarbonate biro I think i'll live.
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 16:30, closed)
bic biro...
Naughty predictive text
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 16:32, closed)
bridle path.
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 9:19, closed)
Can I ask where in Beds?
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 11:08, closed)
I dont know how...
...You got stoned as its hemp fields not weed, meaning the THC which (i'm sure you all know this) gets you stoned is removed. its grown for it properties such as paper, rope etc.

Saying that i bought some thing before that smelt like lavinder but got me so mashed i could only wear boxers as my clothes made my body way to heavy
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 11:50, closed)
for the benefit of clarity...
Some details in the story have been changed. E.g. location of field.

I'm fully aware of hemp and its uses and negligible THC content. The thought did cross my mind. Interestingly it could've been placebo effect but a Google search of the name of the village revealed a large cannabis farm bust which made me more sure.

Whether is was industrial hemp, wild thyme or cannabis it was good fun.
(, Wed 22 Sep 2010, 16:41, closed)

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