Theophilous Thunderwulf says: What have you done to fuck with people? Was it a long, carefully planned piece of psychological warfare, or do you favour quick, off-the-cuff comments that confuse the terminally gullible? Have you been dicked with, and only realised many years later? Are you being dicked right now? Tell us everything.
( , Thu 12 Jan 2012, 11:25)
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So there we are all sat in a friends VW GTi in a lay by near our local small traffic airport (Baginton in Coventry) tripping our bollocks off whilst watching some wierd green airport light flash on and off
whilst chatting complete and utter rubbish to each other.
I pull out my lighter and start sparking it behind my Gel filled friends head of hair.
He keeps getting pissy saying "don't fuck about" "guy's seriously now im watching the plane's" " enough... you're ruining this for me"
My mate next to me in the back of the car keeps egging me on "do it again do it again" and we are laughing like loons. Next minute the lighter sparks up and sets a small head fire going on my mates head.
My concerned accomplice immediately starts raining down blows on my mates head trying to extinguish the flames which were a wierd green colour as i remember it (may have been the drugs looking back).
Everyone exits the car and a massive argument ensues whilst my mates head is slightly smoking and because of his seriousness he's making us laugh even more.
We then drive home in a car that stinks of burnt hair and the next day i have to try to apologise to my pal who has had to get his mrs to shave his hair number 1 style with some hair clippers.
( , Fri 13 Jan 2012, 10:26, 4 replies)
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