Midlife Crisis
I've hit my forties, and my midlife crisis has manifested itself in old band T-shirts and a desire to go on camper van holidays. How has it hit you, or - if you are still a youngling - your elders?
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 2 May 2013, 11:55)
You are clearly
a richer man then AB then.
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Thu 9 May 2013, 8:07,
But not anymore?
Jacked it all in to live in a motorhome, eh?
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Thu 9 May 2013, 8:37,
I have considered buying a motorhome.
But it's a bit middle aged.
Dr. Shambolic je suis charlie, Thu 9 May 2013, 12:53,
I'm going to get one when I retire.
Bringing along one's own facilities would make travel just about bearable.
monster munch person, man, woman... camera... TV?, Thu 9 May 2013, 12:55,
One does not have to drive
when one is jacked into the b3ta grid all of the time.
Misery McUglywife an attention seeking sociopathic fuckstain., Thu 9 May 2013, 11:06,
What he means is
"I have pwn3d carz0rz!!111oneeleven11!!!"
username failed moderation, Thu 9 May 2013, 12:31,