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Home » Question of the Week » Missing body parts » Post 56283 | Search
This is a question Missing body parts

Now there are some bits of your body you don't mind losing - my dad's just got rid of a kidney stone, my own tonsils once tried to asphyxiate me, and nobody wants warts.

Other bits are more useful - a family friend recently lost an arm... which would be OK if his job wasn't managing dis-armament talks.

What have you lost, and where did you leave it?

(, Thu 1 Jun 2006, 18:22)
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Now that's magic.
You know that old trick that is handed down through each generation? The one where you pretend the have a removable thumb that slides along your hand? When I was 18 I showed it to my five year old neice who promptly screamed her lungs out and fainted.
Everyone comes into the room to find me leaning over an unconscious, dishevelled kid and stammering something about his thumb and 'coming off'.
(, Fri 2 Jun 2006, 14:14, Reply)

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