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Home » Question of the Week » Mobile phone disasters » Post 494378 | Search
This is a question Mobile phone disasters

Top Tip: Got "Going Underground" by The Jam as your ringtone? Avoid harsh stares and howling relatives by remembering to switch to silent mode at a funeral.

How has a mobile phone wrecked your life?

(, Thu 30 Jul 2009, 12:14)
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Not to be insensitive or anything
but, how does being stabbed feel on the pain/general feeling scale?
(, Sat 1 Aug 2009, 16:04, 1 reply)
It feels
Like being punched with a needle. you dont really notice the pain until a few seconds afterwards, then it hurts quite abit, its hard to describe.

It cant be too bad because i walked to the nearest house to get help ( about 100 yards)
(, Sun 2 Aug 2009, 0:37, closed)
When I got stabbed, it felt like burning.
(, Sun 2 Aug 2009, 11:47, closed)

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