B3TA Most Haunted
Tell us your first-hand ghost stories and paranormal experiences, and we'll tell you that you are a mental. Extra points for
lies tales about filthy ghost sex
Suggested by big_bluberry
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:23)
Just thought of something really terrifying.
What if a ghost sharpened a pencil over your head?
oneinthepink is at your cervix m'lady, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:46,
6 replies)
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:50,
my name is jacob marley and i live in limbo. it is not fantastic. i sound like an owl. i like owls. one time they were not what they seem. i went to heaven but some cherub burnt my neck. i didn't like it.
stuj (^(^;;^)^) GO TEAM SPIDERS!(^(^;;^)^), Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:50,
I'm tempted to give this a "Woo!",
but I think a wooOOOOoooOOOooo would be more apt.
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 16:13,
The horror.
Enzyme is powered by sunlight, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 16:13,
I still fondly think of that post sometimes.
judgetheobscure used to sweep in butchers' shops., Fri 14 Sep 2012, 14:05,
You get a graph-fright?
I was shaving that for a shpecial occashion.
AndyC4m Eject Eject [><], Fri 14 Sep 2012, 15:38,