B3TA Most Haunted
Tell us your first-hand ghost stories and paranormal experiences, and we'll tell you that you are a mental. Extra points for
lies tales about filthy ghost sex
Suggested by big_bluberry
Scaryduck LIKES EGG, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:23)
It was late, we were driving home in the rain; I thought I saw something flying across the two-lane,
it was white like an angel, or like a curse - there and gone in a second, in front of us.
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:53,
5 replies)
Maybe it was a parasol.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:57,
or your dog
magic the cat will someone please think of the kittens, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 13:57,
I saw a seagull once too.
FartThroughAWalkieTalkie wished you were dead in ditch on, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 14:01,
Barn owl obvs!
oneinthepink is at your cervix m'lady, Thu 13 Sep 2012, 15:03,
In our house all the trophies are gathering dust
whatfun?, Fri 14 Sep 2012, 12:57,