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This is a question Mugged

Your Ginger Fuhrer was telling me the other night about going out in Birmingham after finishing a shift working in a bar. Very drunk, still dressed in his bar uniform, our fearless leader was mugged.

They stole his green stick-on bow tie.

(, Thu 15 Jun 2006, 14:58)
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Silly Chavs.
So we were having a rather nice party on the beach, me and a friend take a wander to the sea, I'm very very drunk and this group of nice young chavs come over, speaking to my friend tell him to give them his wallet and yadda yadda, then I - being but a little girl pipes up 'noo leave him alloooone, why you havta be soo meaan?' I get in the way a lot and end up getting whacked one in the face...

Then we ran away...

About ten minutes later I realise the guy that hit me in the face is about 50 meters away with his little group of girls, so me being fearless wanders over and demands that he apologises...

The girls start yelling at him and cue a very sheepy looking chav.

I got my apology and stopped my friend being mugged, this is why we love absinthe.


I have no length or girth, I am a girl.
(, Thu 15 Jun 2006, 16:01, Reply)

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