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This is a question The nicest thing someone's ever done for me

In amongst all the tales of bitterness and poo, we occasionally get fluffy stories that bring a small tear to our internet-jaded eyes.

In celebration of this, what is the nicest thing someone's done for you? Whether you thoroughly deserved it or it came out of the blue, tell us of heartwarming, selfless acts by others.

Failing that, what nice things have you done for other people, whether they liked it or not?

(, Thu 2 Oct 2008, 16:14)
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I just try to be nice to everyone.
Especially people I like. I can't currently afford Stephen Fry's latest book, but there was a book signing today and I wanted to meet him. So I baked him some bread.

It's yummy bread, I had too much dough so made myself a bun as well.
(, Sat 4 Oct 2008, 15:43, 4 replies)
Is it
The one where he's going around America?
(, Sat 4 Oct 2008, 15:46, closed)
Stephen Fry
Is one of my heroes.
One of my biggest regrets is that he came into the office of the company I work for to do a photo shoot for our magazine.

And I had the day off, so didn't find out he had been there until the next day.

My claim to fame is that I could have met Stephen Fry...
(, Sat 4 Oct 2008, 15:58, closed)
Did he sign the bread then?
(, Sat 4 Oct 2008, 19:25, closed)
Stephen Fry
Is made of win.

And so are you and your bread.
(, Tue 7 Oct 2008, 3:06, closed)

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