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This is a question No Self-Awareness

I had a boss who had no idea of his body odour problem, and everybody was too tactful to break it to him. Not so a visiting Rev Ian Paisley: "What the blazes is that smell? Is it you?" That sorted it. Stories of people blissfully unaware of their bad smells, bad manners and foghorn voices.

Suggested by Ding Dong Montily on High

(, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 13:31)
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who walk into the shop 10 minutes before we close, ignore you when you tell them the shop is closing, then grab a trolley and slowly wander around.
When you ask them to make their way to the till because the shop is closing they ignore you again and carry on, eventually leaving without buying anything.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:08, 7 replies)
I like how you took this opportunity to tell us about an uninteresting personal peeve that bears absolutely no relation to the current question.
I wish people would do that more often. It's only about 80% of the answers at the moment. I'm sure we can hit 90 with a bit more effort.
(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:26, closed)
Probably because they've had a long hard day spent doing much more important things than just working in some shitty shop.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 21:48, closed)
People in menial jobs who don't realise they're here to serve.

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 22:56, closed)
Fucking shoppers, eh?

(, Wed 5 Dec 2012, 23:21, closed)
A shot in the eyes
with window cleaner just before they stumble into the cooking oil spill will generally persuade them to clear out.
(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 0:58, closed)
What cunts, using the shop while it's still open for people to use for another 10 minutes.

(, Thu 6 Dec 2012, 9:10, closed)

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