It's Not What It Looks Like!
Cawl wrote two years ago, "People seem to have a knack for walking in at just the wrong time:
"Well, my clothes got wet, so did his... Yes, officer, huddling together to conserve body heat... Yes officer, he's five... No Officer... I'm not his Dad."
What have you done that, in retrospect, you'd really rather nobody had seen, mostly as things just get worse the more you try to explain it?
chthonic, Thu 9 Dec 2010, 21:56)
I have never ever won a game of Pictionary.
Dervel OTBC, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 10:54,
7 replies)
Best reply so far.
oneinthepink is at your cervix m'lady, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 12:01,
^What she said^
Je suis un vagabond is an unfunny, up your own arse middle class knob, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 12:08,
emvee cruor deo cruoris, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 14:59,
Edit: Damn it!
Dervel OTBC, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 15:22,
Very Witty
Clickety click
Dwarfsmuggler Has hogtied Snow White, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 14:15,
Bravo, sir
/doffs virtual hat
daikoku has been on a ragga tip since, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 19:48,
enoughblueskyforsailorstrousers, Wed 15 Dec 2010, 23:28,