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This is a question Old stuff I still know

Our Ginger Fuhrer says that he could still code up a simple game idea in Amstrad Basic, while I'm your man if you ever need to rebuild the suspension on an Austin Allegro (1750 Equipe version). This stuff doesn't leave your mind - tell us about obsolete talents you still have.

(, Thu 30 Jun 2011, 17:04)
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I was sat in a restaurant with my then girlfriend who happened to be a chartered accountant

we were talking about how quickly the brain can compute maths questions, I said I'm pretty good at that sort of thing, trying to be clever (and show me up a bit) she says 'ok then clever clogs, what's the square root of 361' less than a second later I replied '19'.

God knows how I figured it out that fast but it properly pissed on her chips.
(, Fri 1 Jul 2011, 13:46, Reply)

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