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80's (90's? maybe) US Drama thing
Hi all,

Years ago in my stoner days I used to float into my bedroom and put ITV on in the early hours of the morning and there used to be this US programme on about a couple that were highschool sweethearts who got married had a couple(?) of kids then divorced, but stayed friends, and were always on the verge of getting back together.

If I remember, one episode had an Elvis Costello song (slowed down) as the theme.

Anyone know what it was called?
(, Wed 20 Aug 2008, 14:33, 4 replies, latest was 17 years ago)
Hmmm it sounds familiar
was it thirty something?

Sorry I'm unlikely to have seen it but I was help yesterday so I did a search for you.
(, Wed 20 Aug 2008, 15:19, Reply)
Got it!

Not Thirty Something, but similar to that.

I remembered seeing the chap in it a bit later on in a film with Jenniffer Aniston, I also remember that they were in a jungle and fighting things.

So, IMDB here I come.

Searched for Jens films, eliminated the, ahem, comedies, and that left about 4 films.

Searched through each of them until I found this blokes picture (he's a bit older now), and then went through what he was doing late 80's early 90's and found it.

It's called "Almost Grown"

All I need to do now is find somewhere to get hold of it.

Thanks for the help, btw!
(, Wed 20 Aug 2008, 15:24, Reply)
Bizarre coincidence
That's really weird- I was thinking about this show last night and was searching online to try and find out what it was called before I read this post. Thanks!
(, Wed 20 Aug 2008, 21:16, Reply)
I used to love it in my stoney haze.

I can't find it anywhere at the moment, maybe ebay I suppose.

EDIT: Bugger, nothing on ebay or amazon.
(, Thu 21 Aug 2008, 8:56, Reply)

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