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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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@ Chickenlady
I had a kidney infection last year. It was the worst pain I've ever experienced, even badder than the root canal work when I wasn't properly anaesthetized.

It started as cystitis and I just put it down to the sex, and then I began to wee blood.
The ex said "oh don't worry, that used to happen to the ex Mrs all the time". So I didn't worry. And after a few days I was praying for death it hurt so much. Ex, to give him his credit, when I struggled out of bed to go to work pushed me gently but firmly back down, phoned work to tell my boss I wouldn't be coming in and got me some antibiotics. Normally I think they are the work of the devil but I readily sold my soul. I can't take codeine as it gives me crippling headaches, but in this case I was happy to take the headache over the kidney ache. The worst of the pain lasted about a week. I couldn't lie down, sit down, stand up, eat, drink, bear to be touched, speak, think... felt sick, boiling hot, icy cold, and began hallucinating. It took a few weeks and two courses of antibiotics to clear completely.

The moral is take drugs! Sooner rather than later!

EDIT: I just read further up... you ARE taking drugs... sorry... ok how do you do small, I thought it was s but apparently that makes it look like I'm retracting my apology.
(, Tue 23 Sep 2008, 20:00, Reply)

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