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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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[rolls up sleeves]

This is hard. What's nature, and what's nurture? Why does one person abused as a child become an abuser themselves, while another person doesn't but grows up to become a model citizen despite their experiences?

Why does one deprived, slum-dweller grow up to be an armed robber, while their neighbour becomes a social worker?

Is it more down to personality? Those that are easily led or natually aggressive go one way, their placid, strong-willed bretheren go the other. If so, is one any more 'guilty' than the other? Would that same easily-led, aggressive person become a rugby star if born into a wealthy middle-class home?

I don't know the answers and I'm not sure anyone really does. The main problem (as I see it) is that human society is now too big and too complex - there are too many cracks to fall down and too many evil influences around like drugs and weaponry. There are multi-cultures within each macro-culture - many of these are conflicting, many mis-understood. Many people try to fit into a new or different culture, or just try to get by in their own micro-culture.

Calling people Chavs or Hoodies or Gangstas might help us to categorise them, but does nothing to explore the behaviours that pass for 'acceptable' within those micro-cultures.

OK, I've run out of steam now. Comments welcome.
(, Wed 29 Oct 2008, 12:09, Reply)

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