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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Confucious say better to live 1 hour as Tiger than 1000 year as sheep.

But he didn't say what the Tiger was thinking after 59 minutes and 45 seconds!

Been there, seen it and bought the T shirt and the little snowglobe thing.

The bravado drops away when you get to 40 and your body can't (and I really mean it can't) handle it anymore.

I had great, nay .. fantastic success in my career as a functional alcoholic with a nasty little coke habit for many years until my body began to fall apart and I had to stop buggering about or die.

Having been clean and mostly alcohol free for the last 5 years since my Daughter was born, my career has moved on to new even greater heights.

I look back over the years and realize I would have achieved even more without the booze and coke clouding my brains.

But no regrets eh! it was a hell of a ride!

Good luck to you

Oh ... and to answer the question .... I usually wake up evens these days.
(, Fri 7 Nov 2008, 21:42, Reply)

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