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Computer help
I moved my computer the other day as I am decorating my bedroom.

After unplugging it, moving it and plugging everything back in I now don't get any sound coming from the line outs or headphone jack from itunes, internet, film etc.

however, if I go into sound setup and try something like the stereo sound test that works fine.

I've reinstalled the drivers and that didn't help.

Any ideas?

edit: further info: I'm using Vista (sorry) and when I plug the jack in it comes up with the message saying that one has been plugged in.
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 14:34, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
That's really odd
Probably a silly question, and not meaning to sound patronising, but if you're on Windows, have you checked the volume level in the control on the bottom right of the toolbar?
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 14:37, Reply)
I find with this sort of thing that no question is silly
I have indeed checked the volumes on everything concerned, and the leads I am using and all is as it should be
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 14:39, Reply)
Doesn't sound like something that could be caused by moving it...

(assume you have Windows)

Control Panel / Sounds & Audio Devices / Audio tab - default playback device, is this right? You may have more than one sound output device on the machine.

Not sure about iTunes as I don't use it but Winamp can play back through a different device to Windows default through its own settings, might be worth looking there? Web browsers usually only play back through default device though.

Have you done any software updates or installed anything new etc recently?

Edit: no idea if it's Vista, sorry! I've used it a few times and it just makes me want to break things, so I try and stay away from it.
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 14:40, Reply)
I had thought that I'd pulled the jack out rather forcefully
but after discovering that the stero test was working I figured it must be software rather than hardware

there are a couple of audio devices listed in Dev Manager, so I will take another look at it later and figure out which I should be using for what.

It's a budget computer, so probably doesn't actually have those two things...

annoying thing is, I only use the computer for music, internet and video, and sound is pretty crucial to all of those!

I haven't installed anything recently, but that's not to say that something hasn't installed itself!

For what it's worth, for my purposes Vista is an excellent operating system. Fast, simple and nice to look at.
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 14:45, Reply)
Everyone else has about covered your options
except... patronising to the max... the speakers ARE plugged in and turned on, right?

Try plugging a set of headphones into the line/audio out and check whether the sound comes through those.
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:41, Reply)
the line out goes to my stereo
which is definitely on and turned up.

I've tried headphones in the headphones socket and get nothing from there, except the stereo test...

I've tried an ipod on the cable to the stereo too, and that works just fine
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 15:45, Reply)
If the stereo test is working then it's definitely a software problem
Are the headphone out and line out seen separately by the driver? They are on a lot of new PCs, e.g. my work PC has a line out on the front and one on the back and they use separate drivers that you have to select, pretty weird.

Is there a third output, like a digital one or something that you might have selected by accident?
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 16:01, Reply)
it's possible
but I'm not sure mine is that sophisticated!

although it does have line outs for front, rear and subwoofer, in addition to optical and headphone sockets

I must admit that I haven't had much chance to try and sort it out since it happened what with being in the recording studio all weekend ( ;-D )

but I will try tonight.

Any more suggestions for things to look at are welcome though
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 16:09, Reply)
I'm pleased to announce that
I got home, fired the computer up and the sound just worked.

there's a lesson there somewhere
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 18:07, Reply)
Windows is a tetchy, tetchy bastard!
(, Mon 8 Dec 2008, 18:28, Reply)

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