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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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My friend works for Royal Bank of Scotland. What with all this credit crunch shinanegins going on you would have thought they would be sensible with their pennies and not squander it all on silly, unecessary things?

Shes going on a team building exercise in March... Theyre sailing 3 tall ships to fucking France and back. She gets paid for it and gets all her meals and travel for free.

Does any one actually know what the point is in that?

No wonder theres a sodding financial crisis.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 22:32, 32 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
Dare ye join me crew of scurvy dogs in pursuit of these foul bastards?

Er... I say we board 'em and give 'em a damn good running-through.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 22:44, Reply)
Waving the flag.
Because, my dear, we're BRITISH!

(OK, RBS is Scottish but for the purposes of government bailouts it'll be British).

And we must fly a defiant flag.

The flag that kept us out of the Euro.

The flag that kept us an independent trading nation.

The flag that kept us out of EU opinion and dragged us into illegal occupations.

Hurrah for the flag.

(On the positive side, if your friend is from Barrow, as you are and I originally am, there's not much better to do...)
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 22:51, Reply)
Yeah go on then..
Ive not got much else on and pushing a few bankers over the side of a boat could be quite theraputic.

EDIT: @Disappointed

Well rememebered! But no she lives in Edinburgh now. Theyre all being flown down south on a private plane also.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 22:55, Reply)
Excellent stuff.
I'll sharpen my sword.
And I figure I might as well try cannibalism while we're at it.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 22:59, Reply)
Time for a swashbuckling adventure :)
I'll be Captain.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:05, Reply)
They'll be on the Good Ship Venus,
And the captain was a....

And all the other stuff from artless, Sid Vicious Sex Pistols era.

I was going to go over to Barrow tomorrow because it's my mum's 70th but I think I'm pretty much snowed in on my Bradford hilltop.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:09, Reply)
Well its not snowing here yet
And it probably won't. It never does. Im praying to get snowed in so I dont have to go to work :)
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:19, Reply)
Fuck off!
I'm Captain!
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:23, Reply)
Like hell you are
I even have a proper hat stolen off a possible homeless person in Manchester. I was born for this role.

You're Cabin Boy. No arguments or else you'll be mopping the deck. And dont forget the rum.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:25, Reply)
Anyone feel like sinking this ship of wucking fankers? Gaz back. Grrr.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:29, Reply)
I've got a sword
And violent tendencies.

And I've got a boat.
So... *frowns*

You can be First Mate. I'll be needing the hat.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:29, Reply)
I went through hell to get that hat
Im a natural born leader. I have a pirate ship as well... Well its a blow up paddling pool from the early learning centre but beggers cant be choosers.

Ive also got a plastic eye patch.. And a peg leg.

If you're well behaved i'll promote you to 1st mate.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:33, Reply)
And that was the thing
About growing up in Barrow.

I try to tell people about the fact that it was so bloody cold - solid ground, freeze the tears out of your eyeballs cold - but no snow because all the snow falls on the hills behind you.

I've travelled, and the only place I've ever been to compete with Barrow was Milwaukee.

If I was there tomorrow I'd be walking down Cavendish Dock Wall, with my dogs. I'm not a hard man, but many hard men would turn away from that.

It's been 20 years and I still miss it.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:34, Reply)
I'm sensing a rival crew.
The sharks'll pick yer bones clean.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:36, Reply)
its a bitch
Its because we're right next to the sea as well.

I have a love hate relationship with this place. I cant wait to get out but its lovely to come home to. I think when I grow up I'd like to come back and live in Ulverston.


Maybe we could just take it in turns, considering theres only 2 of us. It would significantly reduce the chance of mutiny.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:38, Reply)
Pack of scurvy dogs

Don't know what Cavvy Dock Wall in a force 9 is.

Stick it on the calendar. That'll teach the landlubbers.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:39, Reply)
You shouldn't make deals
With devils.

But sure. I get first go with the sword and hat.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:41, Reply)
I was down the port the night
Nearly got blown in!

Thats a point... We could set sail from the port. In my blowup pirate ship.

Kaol - you get 1st go of the sword but the hat is mine. Get your own. You also have to make your way up north. Im not picking you up on the way.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:46, Reply)
And I emphasise the BOY bit.

My sea wall against your sea wall.

Any day of the week - except Friday when I have to go to Morrisons.

Avast, Ye, and lay down your cutlasses landlubbers.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:46, Reply)
I give up.
I'll have to steal my own hat.
I'm not going up North.
It's cold there, and they talk funny.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:47, Reply)
Looks like its just you and me Disappointed. Im a fully fledged proper Captain on my own. Kaol cant handle the northerness of the situation. We might assplode his mind with our 'funny accents'.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:54, Reply)
It's possible.
I'll just have to sail down the Thames as planned.
Talking like someone from Eastenders.
Hammered on cheap rum.

Just like any other Monday.
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:56, Reply)
And a yo ho ho
Fuck me - pirates thrashed it out with cutlasses and stuff on the high main yet Kaol drops out with the threat of a genteel promenade along the dock wall of genteel, chav-infested Barrow.

The world needs heroes and I'm a short fat one. Who will defend the fair maidens of the infested midden that is Barrow?
(, Sun 1 Feb 2009, 23:58, Reply)
To be fair..
It takes a certain sort to be able to handle a Saturday night on the Gaza strip. Kaol clearly isnt up to it. Its a good job we worked this out now.. hahaha and he wanted to be Captain.

Hes obviously not pirate material.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:02, Reply)
Oi! Chief!
It's Sunday.

And I'm on the cheap wine which is infinately less classy.

If you're off down the Thames our kid lives in Greenwich. He's very gay but I'm sure it'll be any port in a storm for him.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:05, Reply)
That may be so.
Or maybe I'm too lazy to go all the way up there and around the corner.

I'll stick to London. If our paths ever cross... *shakes fist*
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:05, Reply)
You can never rely on those flouncy southerners.

I have a bottle of tequila next to my bed but I dont think thats suitable for a Sunday night. I could be a Mexican pirate instead. Im sure Ive got a sombrero somewhere...
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:10, Reply)
Cornwallis Street
No more need be said.

I knew the guy who used to own Martini's and he was a decent guy until he got his kneecaps threatened by Lucas, so perhaps I ought not to mention that.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:12, Reply)
I went to school with his son
Thick as shit the lot of 'em! But still I wish I was a penny behind them.

Hang on... They have a boat! Unfortunately it is a night club. However that means there shall be ample supply of rum :)

Sometimes I amaze myself with my thinking.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:18, Reply)
I am peripatitic - and lived in Penge for nine months.

The worst nine months of my life, as it happens, but I strutted into that thar' city, and did all the staight boy city stuff you ought to do.

And fucking hated it. Back to Leeds, for no "Oh am I too good for you?" sex. No pretentious wankers. Just folk I'm OK with.
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:22, Reply)
And on that note I am off to bed
Goodnight all
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:31, Reply)
I have:


So is *Captain*
(, Mon 2 Feb 2009, 0:38, Reply)

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