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Are you a QOTWer? Do you want to start a thread that isn't a direct answer to the current QOTW? Then this place, gentle poster, is your friend.

(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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I find it quite amusing, yeah.
Especially when you take it far too seriously. It's what they do. B69 posts his stuff. The others pick it apart and take the piss. I sit here and laugh. You sit there and get worked-up into a frenzy of deciding what should and shouldn't happen on b3ta, despite only having 250 posts to your name, and so the world keeps turning. I'm not saying you're wrong, and I won't use 'banter, innit' excuse because I know it's gone beyond that. But everyone has their point to make, you included, so I just sit here and let them make it. Would you prefer it if I jumped to his defence when I actually agree with some of the counter-points?
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 9:20, 1 reply, 15 years ago)
I am far from being worked up into a frenzy
And I do apologise for only having 250 odd posts to my name making me obviously inferior to you oh great one.

I would simply prefer it if you would just be honest about what you do rather than try to pretend you are all indignant over his "terribly offensive" post.

Just be honest, say it. I am a bully and proud of it

One of those nasty weasely ones who stands at the side shouting "yeah, hit him harder. he deserves it" but never brave enough to get stuck in himself.

don't stink up the boards with hypocrasy and fake rage

try it. Go look in a mirror and say out loud, "I am a bully"
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 13:21, Reply)
I wasn't pretending. I genuinely think it's a shame that so many people are dead.
The fact is, it doesn't matter who wrote it in the first place. If I'd written it, I would expect to get an internet kicking because it's an offensive viewpoint.

Just because you've taken offence at our stand against it doesn't make you right or morally superior, just a bit of a twat for trying to tell us how to behave on the boards.

don't stink up the boards with hypocrasy and fake rage...Yeah I could say the same for you. I don't recall you posting on here before, but now you're blaireau's best bud?

Go look in the mirror and say I am a bus wanker. Do it now. The first step towards getting better is acceptance.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 16:41, Reply)
Will no one think of the cabin crew !!!
OMG the cabin crew !!!!

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 16:53, Reply)
Y'know I do feel rather sorry for them. More so for their families though
They were just doing their jobs and now you're being a sick cunt by trivialising their deaths. Well done you.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:00, Reply)
Internet nobody makes sick joke on B3ta (home of the sick joke) OMG outrage ensues !!! ON THE INTERNET

I really am having trouble keeping a straight face now.

Maddie joke anyone?

A little twin towers photoshoppery perhaps?
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:09, Reply)
If it had been a joke originally then fair enough but it wasn't. You coming on here and spouting your belief that a small clique of people
I assume I'm part of it of course - are ruining someone's internet life and generally being terrible and then making stupid jokes...how is that beneficial to anyone? Are you just trying to up your post count? Make new friends? Alienate yourself? Or merely look a little silly?

Go ahead and make Maddie jokes and shop the towers if you like, but stop with the hand wringing for someone who hasn't even acknowledged your misguided help. He's a big boy and can take care of himself.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:15, Reply)
you broke me with that one, The levels of INTERNET INDIGNATION hit record levels. I am laughing out loud now.

Go look in the mirror, and say out loud "I am troll bait"
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:19, Reply)
Get back to your mirror and call yourself a
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:23, Reply)
Sorry Toots
My mirror seems to have got stuck on telling me

"you are the prettiest in all the land"

I'll give it a knock later, see if I can move it over to buswanking.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:28, Reply)
Aww such a pretty boy...such a pretty boy
I think bus shitting would be the way forward for you
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 17:41, Reply)
You'll be very pleased to know
The plane carrying the bodies back to Poland has landed safely (I think poor Beckys head would have exploded with a bizzare combination of OMGRAGE and aspergers if that one had crashed too)!

Trolls from all over the internet cancel their tickets to the inaugural B3TA off topic Retardothon and levels of INTERNET INDIGNATION begin to wane apart from small areas of London where keyboard cleaners are on high alert with their spittle spray.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:01, Reply)
In other news, RadG has shown himself to be a massive white knightingspastic ONLINE
Well done RadG
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:10, Reply)
Playground insults traded


"When she called me a spastic, while pretending PC indignation about some dead guys on a plane, I knew I was beaten" Said RadG, Internet nobody due to lower post count than heroic high volume posting attention queen.

Disabled people ON THE INTERNET can't be arsed to be ENRAGED ONLINE over use of "spastic" slur because .... its B3TA!
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:24, Reply)
Seriously, why do you think I don't care about the death of so many people?

(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:31, Reply)
I am sure you do, and I respect that.
And I too am not totally lacking in empathy

But coming on to B3TA of all places!

and using it as a reason to go WAY over the top to kick your favourite chew toy?

There are other forums for expressing sincere condolences etc, perhaps the Polish embassy website?

But for the love of god woman, this is B3TA, home of Sickipedia, you get what it says on the tin!

You have posted FAR worse than the OP and such is your right as this is B3TA, but don't give me the OMG Indignant act to justify being particularly mean to someone you don't like. You don't like him, just call him a cunt, this is B3TA, its what happens. Don't dress it up in OMG crap.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:35, Reply)
I'm pretty sure you'll find that
is the home of Sickipedia. But whatever.
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 18:57, Reply)
Error in internet nobodys post detected by heroic attention queen
Of course I should have said the B3TA book of sick jokes.

Either way still works.

must ... gasp ... have last ... choke ... word
(, Sun 11 Apr 2010, 19:55, Reply)

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