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This is a question On the stage

Too shy to ever appear on stage myself, I still hung around theatres like a bad smell when I was younger - lighting and set design were what I was good at.

Backstage we'd attempt to sabotage every production - us lighting geeks would wind up the sound man by putting the remote "pause" button for his reel-to-reel tape machine on his chair, so when he sat down it'd start running, ruining his cues. Actors would do scenes out of order to make our lives hell. It was great and I don't know why I don't still do it.

Tell us your stories of life on the stage.

(, Fri 2 Dec 2005, 11:02)
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Moo neigh
I have had a long and illustrious stage career. I have played a horse, the front end of a cow (how they marvelled at our cow dance) and a sheep.

But the best experiences have got to be Matinee performances. Typically they have no audience. Also typically, all the actors and crew have been up till 5am out on the piss on the Friday night. Things I have learnt on matinee performances include:

-Gargling with whisky does not help your voice.
-A sound engineer asleep on the desk may be marginally better than no engineer.
-It is funny when there is a person hiding in a trunk onstage where there is supposed to be no person.

Oh, and I was in a production of Twelfth Night as the second officer (3 lines, yay me) and dressed like Polly Page from The Bill, complete with blonde bob... my truncheon had a squeak in it as we found out on stage by mistake. This was hilarious at an inopportune point and as the play was totally insane it just added to the ineptness of it all.

Oh, and in one play I died 5 times in 7 pages... and had to pole dance dressed as a medieval wench. Good times.
(, Sun 4 Dec 2005, 16:16, Reply)

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