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This is a question Ouch!

A friend was once given a biopsy by a sleep-deprived junior doctor.
They needed a sample of his colon, so inserted the long bendy jaws-on-the-end thingy, located the suspect area and... he shot through the ceiling. Doctor had forgotten to administer any anaesthetic.

What was your ouchiest moment?

(, Thu 29 Jul 2010, 17:29)
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Damn you austria!
As a student, my diet was steriotypicaly limited.

Whilst browsing the asiles in tesco, I took a miander t'ward the world cheeses, chancing across the sausage shaped delight from Austria, I had found lunch. Breaking out the brevil, I began my ultimate toastie. Once cooked, I sat before the television eager to tuck in. Quick sip of diet coke then my first bite. HOLY FUCK! My face and hands became coated in burning hot austrian smoked cheese. For reasons I'm not educated in, it seems austrain smoked has a lower melting tempriture and retains more heat then the standard cheader I was used too.

It was like napalm, hot stringy cheese clinging to me and continuing to burn. It was horrific, like I was a civilian during the viatnam war. I managed to tear most of my lunch off myself, and inspect the damage. 2nd degree burns, and a couple of cuts from my tearing in panic.

Still, a nice lunch when it "set".
(, Sun 1 Aug 2010, 22:12, 5 replies)
Grammar fail, spelling fail, most of all prose fail. You overreach yourself, sir.
(, Sun 1 Aug 2010, 23:54, closed)

Wait, so your saying I shoulden't submit this for my English degree?
(, Mon 2 Aug 2010, 7:54, closed)
Actually, now you mention it
I think you should.
(, Mon 2 Aug 2010, 11:25, closed)
spellchecker is your friend

(, Mon 2 Aug 2010, 15:57, closed)

Spell checker is indeed my friend, but I typed this on my phone. The spell check on the iPhone isn't great. I'm also rather dyslexic, which I doubt is a shock.
(, Mon 2 Aug 2010, 21:34, closed)

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