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Home » Question of the Week » Out of my depth » Post 16555 | Search
This is a question Out of my depth

As a schoolkid, I signed up for a public speaking contest purely as a ruse to meet girls. It haunts me still: in front of 300 people, I started to speak, dried up, stood there for what felt like half an hour staring at the floor and then slowly walked back to my seat. Oh, and the girl I liked laughed.

Have you ever been utterly, completely, devastatingly out of your depth?

(, Thu 14 Oct 2004, 15:07)
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i got drunk on the weekend
at my boyfriend's nephew's christening ( i don't drink much, one glass of white did it).

I was discussing weight loss and gain with boyfriend's sister and his (frankly terrifyingly prudish) mother.

I let slip that the reason for my two stone in two weeks gain last year was due to my going on the pill.

Before remembering that knowing my boyfriend was sexually active was the exact reason his mother threw him out of the house when he was seventeen.

Gah. Just kept talking as if i didn't care, think i bluffed it but haven't dared admit it to the other half yet....His sister guffawing into er beer didn't help
(, Tue 19 Oct 2004, 12:07, Reply)

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