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Home » Question of the Week » Lies that got out of control » Post 825533 | Search
This is a question Lies that got out of control

Ever claimed you could speak a foreign language to impress friends, colleagues and/or get laid? Make a twat of yourself - and I couldn't possibly comment - saying you were the godson of the chairman of BP? Tell us how your porkies have caught up with you

(Thanks to augsav and Sandettie Light Vessel Automatic for the suggestions)

(, Thu 12 Aug 2010, 13:03)
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I've perpetuated a lie on the internet
that I'm actually a girl when everyone knows there are no girls on the internet. Those who have met me have so far been fooled by the top stuffed with socks.
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:06, 11 replies)
Most of the illusion can be achieved with a good wig.
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:23, closed)
I have a good wig as well
but have to shave meticulously
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:24, closed)
It's a bastard of a job when you're naturally dark-haired.

(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:32, closed)
the amount I spend on wax is unbelievable
buying highheels in size 12 is even harder
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:33, closed)
Not if you go to the right retailers.
And a good electric razor makes the fine work easier.
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:39, closed)
I'd hoped so
but when it starts sparking after three minutes you have to go manual
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 0:40, closed)
I've never had any trouble...
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 11:39, closed)
Why did I
click that at work? :-/
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 12:43, closed)
Top stuffed with socks and LIES.

(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 1:43, closed)
I read this ^
And hear Zim....LIES!
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 10:23, closed)

There are plenty of girls on the internet. The internet is 95% female, in the best possible way - jpg, avi, mov...
(, Fri 13 Aug 2010, 2:59, closed)

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