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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Repost? It's possibly more relevant to this QOTW...
I suspect I'll be posting quite a lot this week, as I think I contain more anger than a meeting between Marcus Brigstocke and Richard Littlejohn. So if I may crave your indulgence, I'll begin with this pearost, originally from "Bastard Colleagues."
Slightly off topic, but must get off chest
Not colleagues as such. One of my duties as a phd student is to be a demonstrator in undergraduate lab sessions. It's not normally too bad and gives me a bit of extra cash to keep me in the pub.

The lab sessions I've been teaching are computer programming. Basically the undergrads work their way through a long exercise sheet to learn C++, and we're on hand to answer their questions.

Just so they've all got a computer and our undivided attention, we reserve a small room next to the main computing room. Of course, when the main room gets busy, undergrads will occasionally try and sneak in, log on to a computer and fanny around on facebook/youtube/amazon/etc. Normally, when we catch them, they leave without a fuss. No problem.

The ones that get my back up are the ones who assume this "I-know-better-than-you" voice and say: "So I've got to leave, even though there's blatantly lots of computers free?"

I know there are computers free. I can see that. That's not the fucking point. If we let all you smart-arse fuckers in here, it would be a free-for-all and we'd never be able to spot the lab students who needed our help*. Don't talk to me like I'm a fucking idiot and get your cuntish, know-it-all, arse for a face out of my fucking lab.

I swear, if I get one more retort like that from one of the little bastards, I will not be held repsonsible for my actions. Nor will I provide any assistance in removing the keyboard from the rectum of the student in question.

Apologies for length and extreme rantiness, but I do feel better for that. Thank you for your patience.

*I provide help in theory, at any rate...


Thank you for your patience.
(, Fri 2 May 2008, 12:04, Reply)

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