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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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you know them- these little jobsworthy, semi-coppers with little blue bits on their uniforms to tell you they're not the real deal.. like tesco value stripes or something. well it's NOT cunting value for the taxpayers! you know what these self-important busybodies are allowed to do? they can 'observe' potential criminal behaviour, advise members of the public, and call for backup.. whihc i'm reliably informed if they do so, a real copper HAS to attend ASAP, dropping everything they're doig at the time.
you know who else can do these things?
ANY MEMBER OF THE SHITTING PUBLIC!! you see a crim being committed, you ring the rozzers, bingo! you're a PCSO! get in line for your little blue coat and wages paid by the taxpaying public! except no bastard's paying me to call in the numerous crackheads stealing hubcaps and trim off cars in our street, breakin inot houses, spraying mindless twaddle on the walls.. where's my salary? at least i have the advantage of not being fluorescent fuckin yellow so the crims don't cease and desist when i come near! these people are shamelessly suckin down our taxes for doing nothing more than being a goddamn good citizen- something we're ALL capable of doing, yet they get a damn paycheck and a nice little uniform for it. no-one pays the local neighbourhood watch dude!
(, Sat 3 May 2008, 20:07, Reply)

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