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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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I hate waiting in queues at the best of times, especially when it's held up because the customer at the till is a complete and utter FUCKNUT who shouldn't be allowed out alone in public, but what gets me even more is when asstards push in front. After a shift at work, I was waiting in line in TJHughes, and I was somewhat anxious on time as I had a bus to catch. The people at the tills were the standard wankers, one women kept whining how ALL the perfume boxes (discounted price, mind you) were a TEENY bit dented, and another was just being a spazz with her card.

I was about three people away from the cashier, when this tracksuited wanker slips in front of me, with the pretense of looking at the aisle near the tills. He's lanky as fuck, face of a bulldog that's pissed on a thistle, and just reeks of White Lightning. I'm five foot nothing, looking more pissed off by the moment, and look about fifteen.

'Excuse me' says I.

Nothing from the bastard in front.

"EXCUSE ME" I then demand with all the ferocity of a pushed too far primary school teacher, annoyed that the time my bus came was drawing closer and closer. That caught the attention of most of the queue, and he reluctantly turned around to look at me.

"Back of the queue? Surprisingly, is BACK there," I glared at him, before pointing in said direction, "Get to it." I'm one of the quietest, politest people around, but I was just so narked that the dole scrounging little sod could cost me my bus, and making me wait another hour to catch the next one. He looked startled that someone actually stood up to him on the matter, before slinking to the back of the queue, tail between his legs.

So.. in short, I also can't STAND queue jumpers. Fuck you, you're no special snow flake. TO THE BACK WITH YOU.
(, Sat 3 May 2008, 20:57, Reply)

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