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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Dogs and their owners
Hate the fuckers. Noisy and irritating at one end, they stink in the middle and shit out of the other end. If a friend or relative has a dog that isn't restrained or isolated from visitors, I refuse to go to their house until it is.

I tell people that I don't like dogs and I often get "Oh but you'd like mine!" Why? Is it dead? Is it a non-dog? Is at actually an ostrich or a goldfish but you like to refer to it as a dog?

These same owners let their vile, slobbering shit machines shove their snouts up other dogs rectums in the park or wherever they're taking them out for a walk and then later that day, they'll forget this display of bum identification and let their mobile flea habitat lick their face. Filthy bastards! Go to fucking hell locked in a hot car!
(, Sat 3 May 2008, 23:15, 3 replies)
If you have that attitude
I'm surprised dog owners invite you round in the first place.
(, Sat 3 May 2008, 23:59, closed)
I hate dogs too
I've never been able to admit this anyone until now.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 4:29, closed)
Re: If you have that attitude
Well I wouldn't go round there by choice. The in laws had a dog which pestered the hell out of visitors, covering them in drool. I refused to go to family get togethers at their house because I felt very uncomfortable around their dog. Anyway, it's dead now.
(, Sun 4 May 2008, 8:51, closed)

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