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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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Ok, I've got three pet peeves so here come three posts.
Firstly: people who make noise when they eat... I see this has been mentioned a few times, but I'm posting it anyway.

Ihate it, and it doesn't matter how good a mood I'm in, if someone starts chewing with their mouth open it instantly infuriates me. I've had various run-ins in the past with daughters of ex-girlfriends who eat horribly, mostly to no avail... hopefully they'll grow out of it.

Where I work now though, one of my colleagues eats in the most disgusting way I've ever seen. She chews with her mouth open, occasionally makes those smacking noises with her tongue, and even makes noise when she's taking a bite of something. She ate a plum the other day and every bite was accompanied with this vile sucking squelching noise. It was so bad I had to leave the office and hide, trembling in angst in the toilet O_o

It's happened a few times (although that plum was the worst), and generally I can deal with it by moving away, but she got me twice last week: once by coming into the room where I was having my lunch and eating an apple (nearly as bad as the plum) and once by looking over my shoulder at something I was showing everyone on the computer while she was eating chewing gum.

And before you tell me to have a word with her about it, I don't know her nearly well enough to bring it up, although I am considering sending an anonymous email.
(, Tue 6 May 2008, 9:18, 2 replies)

For this compo, it should be re-labelled to "I hate this!"

By clicking "I like this!", I almst feel like I'm supporting your noisy-eater co-worker. Whereas, in honesty, I'd like to "have a polite word" with her.
(, Tue 6 May 2008, 9:29, closed)
My old housemate was the noisiest eater I have ever come across. He used to eat a lot of biscuits and there was so much slurping and saliva related noises it did make me feel rather queasy. *shudder clicks*
(, Tue 6 May 2008, 10:11, closed)

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