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This is a question Pet Peeves

What makes you angry? Get it off your chest so we can laugh at your impotent rage.

(, Thu 1 May 2008, 23:12)
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If they're making claims to cure illness
which to be the word "solve" sounds like they are, you can report them to, erm, someone. Bollocks, I forget who.

There's a law that says you can't make claims to cure stuff. Arse, look, go to badscience.net and have a look round, it'll be on there somewhere.

There are two schools of thought as far as I can see with this bollocks. Either the people who "prescribe" homeopathy believe it, in which case, they're daft and gullible. Or they don't in which case they;re a bunch of fradualent cunts making money off the back of the vunerable and the sick and frankly, hanging's too good for them.

I have NO time for alternative wafty bollocks like this and will happliy get shouty as fuck.
(, Wed 7 May 2008, 17:22, Reply)

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