Have you ever - voluntarily or otherwise - appeared in front of an audience? How badly did it go?
chthonic, Fri 19 Aug 2011, 9:26)
I was on Radio 4's Midweek with Libby Purves
Live, not sure how many million the audience was, but I was talking about historical toilets. Seemed to go well.
Varmint, Fri 19 Aug 2011, 11:36,
2 replies)
Was it "Midden"week with Libby Purves?
The magic of chutney Shakes it like an Instagram filter!, Fri 19 Aug 2011, 11:49,
Flushed with success?
Or career now down the pan?
Reverend Fister "a disciplined fuckwit", Fri 19 Aug 2011, 14:58,