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This is a question Phobias

What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*

Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.

(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
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Workboresme has just reminded me....
Maggots Ew!!

Even saying the word gives me the shudders.

You know in room 101 in 1984. Well if I was put near maggots I would betray my own flesh and blood and smile doing it.
(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 19:42, 4 replies)
Oh aye
During the year I spent doing Forensic Medicine at Uni, I laughed in the face of decapitation, uttered nay a squeak at the sight of blood and guts and brain and didn't flinch when attending an autopsy.

But the day the guy brought a tub of maggots in to the lecture theatre to show how insects could be used to ascertain time and place of death, I cried like a baby and had to go and hyperventilate in the toilets...

Nasty, nasty horrible things.
(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 19:49, closed)
The you better not go fishing with me on a cold winters day.

I've been known to put them in my mouth to warm them up a bit so they'll wriggle better on the hook...

(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 1:42, closed)
There is only one thing worse
than finding a maggot in your apple....

Finding half a maggot.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 10:16, closed)
because I found maggots in my kitchen last summer and nearly vomited everywhere, and for the 1984 reference, one of the best books ever.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 10:52, closed)

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