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This is a question Phobias

What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*

Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.

(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
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The Dark Crystal
Now I love Jim Hensons Muppets and Fraggles as much as the next puppetophile but when I watched the dark crystal when I was younger it scared the crap out of me!

Never has anything scared me more than that film and I can't even remember it now, I just remember the terror it instilled in me when I was younger...

Other things that scared me:
Listening to the Jeff Wayne war of the worlds aged about 6 and then everytime I heard a plane fly over the house or any other unidentifiable noise being shit scared and losing a load of sleep, it was horrible!

One time watching Granada Reports and the camera had a spider on the front, not so bad you think but it looked massive on our home TV, I sat at the top of the stairs ready to run away if it even slightly moved! Plus I'm shit scared of spiders at the best of times!

So more child fears than phobias, I suppose I should watch the dark crystal again to seeif it still scares the crap out of me
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 11:44, 5 replies)
It's not just you
The vile noise those vulture things made sent me weeping and shaking behind the sofa. Horrid, horrid.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 11:49, closed)
Definitely with you on the Dark Crystal
It's such a brilliant film though. The Skeksis have to be the best baddies ever commited to film. And those doozer type thingies that get mystically lobotomised scared the hell out of me too.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 12:04, closed)
the skeksis?
they are well freaky! chamberlain is the worst, when he's chasing the 2 little gelflings(yes, i've watched it more than a few times) and yelling at them "please wait, please make friends!" yeah, right pal. no fucking chance.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 12:24, closed)
Reminds me of a story my friend told me about his cat
When the TV showed a closeup of a mouse, the TV was filled with an image of a mouse and it scared the shit out of the poor little feline.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 14:18, closed)
The Dark Crystal
I was old enough that when TDC came out, it didn't bother me. No, for me it was that awful "Willy Wonka" movie with Gene Wilder. The orange Oompa Loompas were creepy, but the scene where the fat kid gets sucked into the pipe freaked me out, and what happened to the other kids was just as distressing. Unfortunatley for me, that movie came on television at least once a year back in the 70's, so while the rest of my family watched it, I would hide in my room and try to not even hear it.
(, Sat 12 Apr 2008, 1:23, closed)

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