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This is a question Phobias

What gives you the heebie-jeebies?

It's a bit strong to call this a phobia, but for me it's the thought of biting into a dry flannel. I've no idea why I'd ever want to or even get the opportunity to do so, seeing as I don't own one, but it makes my teeth hurt to think about it. *ewww*

Tell us what innocent things make you go pale, wobbly and send shivers down your spine.

(, Thu 10 Apr 2008, 13:34)
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Cheese and it's myriad forms
What's this I hear you cry, a half frenchman who doesn't like cheese?

Ok, maybe it was just that bloke at the front who sneezed. But it sounded like a what....

And onto the meat of the story. I can't stand cheese, I can't even bear to have cheese on the table next to me at times. If someone's been serving a cheesey based food, and uses the same utensil to serve my (thankfully normal) non-cheesey food, I'll go into conniptions.

Even going into the cheese aisle in the supermarket is troublesome, and if there's a cheesemonger (ha, a profession better named Dealer of Death) then I might as well throw in the towel.

What's worse is that in the fridge we currently have a wonderful selection of delicious cold meats. Such culinary delights as ham, salami and the like. Only problem is that they're sitting on top of the cheese box.

Which all makes it weird that I love pizza.
(, Fri 11 Apr 2008, 12:28, 1 reply)
I think we may be brothers...
Also half-french, also hate cheese...

...also love pizza.

When the SO put cheese in the fridge (she loves it the sick fecker - she once kissed me after eating cheese and marmite, bleah) I mad eher hise it in the furthest corner so I wouldn't retch every time I wanted a cold beer
(, Tue 15 Apr 2008, 9:47, closed)

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