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This is a question Picky Eaters

An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.

Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.

Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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I'm not a particularly picky eater in that, if something is presented to me (with the exception of crap like sheep testicles or bumblebees or reality-TV eats like that), I will at least try it.
If I'm at someone's house, or if I go out to dinner with friends/family, I will always, at the bare minimum, try and act appreciative of what I'm served. I think it's just a matter of manners--that's how I was raised, to be thankful of whatever I was given.
If I'm at home, however, I refuse to eat cocktail shrimp.
Absolutely refuse.
One time, when I was about 10 or 12, I got a case of stomach flu--it was the typical nasty, vomiting-diarrhea-and-fever version.
As I knelt in front of the toilet giving my offering to the porcelain god, I distinctly remember thinking how gross cocktail shrimp are.
I dunno why.
But I remember vowing that never again would cocktail shrimp enter my mouth.
I still haven't broken that vow to this day.
I also refuse to eat corn and peanuts (including chunky peanut butter) because they don't digest. EWWW.

I have two siblings, and they both have their own eating idiosyncrasies as well.

My younger brother is weird, too, in both the actual foods he refuses to eat, as well as eating habits.
Among the things he won't touch are: swordfish ("too stringy, and it doesn't even taste like fish anyways"), whipped cream ("weird consistency"), most vegetables (with the exception of mashed potatoes, which must be nearly drowning in gravy--"now THERE'S a man's vegetable", he declares with pride), and--of all things--ice cream ("tastes like crap and makes my teeth hurt"). Whatever.
His eating habits are weirder, though. He MUST check the utensils BEFORE they touch the food.
For example, before he eats breakfast cereal--which he does often; yesterday he finished off a box of Oreo O's cereal in ONE FRICK'N DAY--he HAS to check the spoon before it is placed in the cereal bowl. His reasoning?
"Well, you never know. There might be dried noodles or some crap like that on it".
Whatever you say, bro.

PS: Also, my younger sister went through a phase where she would only eat melted-cheese sandwiches for lunch.

We're weirdos.
(, Sat 3 Mar 2007, 19:03, Reply)

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