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Home » Question of the Week » Picky Eaters » Post 73890 | Search
This is a question Picky Eaters

An old, old friend of mine will not eat/drink any hot liquid. Tea, coffee, soup etc do not pass his lips.

Which would be odd enough if he wasn't in the Army. He managed to survive a tour of duty in the Serbian mountains in winter without a brew.

Who's the pickiest eater you know? How annoying is it? Is it you?

(, Thu 1 Mar 2007, 13:11)
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Peas peas peas
I personally refuse to each peas - they look like satans bogies. Mushy peas are even worse. they should be labelled as 'Satans Vomit' I won't eat kidney beans either but I love chilli. I spend about 5minutes sifting through and making a little pile of beans before I start eating.

My dad has a banana phobia - won't touch them let alone eat them!
(, Tue 6 Mar 2007, 14:17, Reply)

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