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This is a question Political Correctness Gone Mad

Freddy Woo writes: "I once worked on an animation to help highlight the issues homeless people face in winter. The client was happy with the work, then a note came back that the ethnic mix of the characters were wrong. These were cartoon characters. They weren't meant to be ethnically anything, but we were forced to make one of them brown, at the cost of about 10k to the charity. This is how your donations are spent. Wisely as you can see."

How has PC affected you? (Please add your own tales - not five-year-old news stories cut-and-pasted from other websites)

(, Thu 22 Nov 2007, 10:20)
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Ooh, ooh, I've thought of another
Does anyone remember when the Bash Street Kids went all odd during the early 90's? Fatty was put on a diet, Plug had beauty treatment, Smiffy was given extra lessons, they all had behavioural support etc etc. Basically, it was ruined, until people wrote in wanting to know what the fuck they'd done to the comic.

It was all changed back and normality was resumed.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 14:00, 4 replies)
I remember that - it even made the news...
Then the beano cleverly made a story where the bash street kids bodies just couldnt accept the new changes - i.e. plugs face went from being ugly to haveiong plastic surgery - back to good old plug./..

It was all to modernise the beano.... it didnt work...
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 17:36, closed)
Ashmed to admit it but...
Yes, I do.

It was a three-week April Fools type thing which was never intended to be a permanent change.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 19:57, closed)
Heh, I remember this too
Pretty sure Pope Jamiroquai III is correct though.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 23:11, closed)
Pretty certain it was just to boost their sales....
Because a whole heap of 20-30 somethings went out to buy it that week.

Think they do that every decade or so. When they want a new swimming pool or something.
(, Mon 26 Nov 2007, 23:11, closed)

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