Outlook is a wonderful tool, but not when it keeps reminding you that it is now 96 weeks since you were supposed to finish a report you haven't even started yet.
Just how lazy are you? How long will you put off the essential or the inevitable? What do you fill the time with?
(We're too lazy to write something funny here. You do it.)
( , Thu 13 Nov 2008, 18:18)
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It's only on reflection that I realise I've had a lifetime of procrastination. I'm the guy who waited until the last minute to do homework or essays, sometimes not even managing to get started, let alone finished.
My life has also been full of ideas. I'm always coming up with madcap plans for businesses, Web sites, songs, expeditions and adventures which I work on for a few days, then lose motivation, or put off doing anything, and move on to the Next Big Thing.
Now, however, I'm acting on two ideas which I hope will enable me to put an end to procrastination for good.
For the past couple of years, I've been toying with the idea of hitch-hiking around the coast of the UK in thirty days. I've always enjoyed hitching, and the challenge seemed like a good way to get out there, meet the people and see the country which raised me, and achieve another my ambitions - to write a book. I've put this off primarily due to logistics - funding my trip, breaking my job for a month and paying my rent while I'm away.
Another of my seemingly unachievable ideas was to start a charity which promoted and facilitated the use of countryside walking to alleviate the symptoms of depression - a technique I've used myself to great effect and I've seen have benefit in others.
These two ideas seemed disparate and both quite distant, until a chat with a friend brought them together.
This weekend, I'm going for a planning meeting to start the process of getting everything together for the trip and starting the charity. I'll be using the hitch-hike as a fund-raising and publicity-gaining exercise for the charity and, of course, as a Great Big Adventure.
Any input, ideas or criticisms gratefully recieved.
Phew... I finally feel like I'm doing something with my life!
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 9:42, 10 replies)

*pats on back*
Good luck with the adventure and with the charity. I hope it comes to fruition.
I now feel like I should really get my arse in gear and do something with my life.
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 9:46, closed)

Only now do I feel capable of actually doing something.
I'm sincerely worried I'll go back to procrastinating, but I've got a motivating mate who's helping me with all the planning and getting me in gear.
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 9:50, closed)

Can I help?
The charity idea really speaks to me - the technique works for me too. The trouble is actually getting out there (no motivation due to depression; no good hills easily accessible due to no transport). It might be easier with the similarly afflicted, but how do you meet them when they're seldom out either?
I'm based in central Lancashire, btw. Do drop me a line when you're due this way. Can't offer accommodation, but might be able to set up local media coverage and suchlike.
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 9:52, closed)

Thankyou! I'm looking to travel sometime near next August. I'll put you on the list and keep you posted :)
Again, thanks. You've put goosebumps on me, internet stranger.
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 9:59, closed)

(the following is just my opinions:)
The regional paper loves stories that tick it's boxes of "Human Interest", "The NHS Is Inadequate", "Random Stuff", and "Triumph Over Adversity".
Plan it right, and they'll get two articles for the price of one: Something for 'When you set off' and another later on, 'when you pass through'.
Add a photo or two, maybe a quote from one of the salt-of-the-earth Lancashire folk giving you a lift; and viola - instant copy.
In general, if you can include some sort of local connection with as many of the areas you plan to visit (relatives live / work / originate there, old family holidays etc), it might help reporters 'sell' the story to their editors and get it in print.
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 10:16, closed)

Gonna tell my family and friends this weekend. As you can probably tell, continued motivation is definitely useful :)
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 10:16, closed)

Why not extend to Europe, then I can offer you a place to stay as you go down the Spanish coast! :)
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 10:24, closed)

If it's successful I'll probably be looking for other challenges down the line, so thanks! I'll bear it in mind :)
( , Wed 19 Nov 2008, 10:26, closed)
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