Scaryduck writes, "I celebrated my last day on my paper round by giving everybody next door's paper, and the house at the end 16 copies of the Maidenhead Advertiser. And I kept the delivery bag. That certainly showed 'em."
What have you flounced out of? Did it have the impact you intended? What made you quit in the first place?
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 12:15)
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I had to take a part-time job as a stockroom worker for Currys, not great but my needs for funding were such that I could overlook the mind-numbing work.
The work was shite, made me come in and cover shifts for fucking silly reasons, had me helping customers take fridges that weighed twice me halfway across the car park (it was a big commercial park) and generally making me do really shitty tasks. Fuckers even made me work Christmas time and New Year - for no extra money.
I lasted about a year of this, not one to be defeated so easily, but Christmas was fast approaching again and I was not going to be doing that again (I enjoy visiting family in the holiday periods, despite the fact that they are as dysfunctional as a box of mad frogs on LSD).
I gave my notice and set about levelling the field of injustices (I'm incredibly petty about these things).
Final day, Saturday, working from opening to closing (12h shift, not uncommon) set about doing the usual routine at start up, but instead of arming all the security systems - I yanked them out, being the only one in for the first hour had it's advantages (and being that me and the security guard were as thick as thieves helped immensely s he helped me dispose of the cabling I had removed when he arrived 10 minutes before opening).
Next stop was the central dvd machine - for those who know, this is the bad boy that is connected to all the display tellies out on the floor that show the usual crap advertising that all Currys seem hell bent on pumping out on their shop floors. One hardcore porno and a bottle of super glue later time for my last stop.
Managers office, specifically managers computer which had all the video tape recordings on it; and I had the password (silly bint gave it to me when I asked for access to customer records to sort a delivery out - wtf?).
Logged in, still had 15 minutes before any of the staff showed up, had a good ol' browse - deleting any evidence of my tampering, and downloading a folder called 'Evidence'. Turns out that she had been taking recordings of some of the sale staff doing *cough* favours for each other (top people for sale scum). Delete.
Waited for everyone to show up, a smile and a wink for some of the staff in the vids (well I had to watch, it would have been insulting not too......what?!?), manager shows up, 15 minutes of spouted crap and buzzwords, then break to start the day.
And out I walked, never to come back again.
At my leavings drink that night, the sales staff came in to find me propping up the bar already (having been there since I walked out of work) and cheering me for my 'interesting' sabotage. Spent the rest of the evening having trays of shots that tasted like gummi bears bought for me.
Turns out no-one was tech savvy enough (or willing as it may have turned out) to unplug the dvd player, or change the channel on the display TV's, so instead they were all turned off. Made for interesting sales pitches when customers wanted to see one working, or when the little bastard kid kept coming in and turning them on at random (incidentally, the porno I chose may have involved a woman being pleasured quite vocally by a horse, you can buy anything on the internet these days).
Length? A horse's wang on a 52" plasma is very sizeable I'm told.......what?!?
After note - This place was horrible to work at, truly awful and only the fact that it was paying for my beers to bleach my mind of the experience kept me there. I went on to do some minor IT support for a school later on which was much better, not to mention more money, and access to 6th form Girls who wanted to know all about what uni was really like.... ;)
( , Thu 22 May 2008, 14:27, 1 reply)

I have worked for DSG myself in a crappy call centre roll. Have a click.
( , Sun 25 May 2008, 11:26, closed)
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